Useful information about pets and wild animals

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How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Place", "Nearby", "To Me"

How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Place", "Nearby", "To Me"

Having got a dog, a person, in addition to a sea of positive and devoted friendship, also receives a considerable share of responsibility for a four-legged pet. In modern society, a dog should not cause inconvenience to others. To have a controlled friend, you need to teach your dog commands, the most important of which are call commands and directions

How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Voice", "Sit", "Lie Down"

How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Voice", "Sit", "Lie Down"

It is advisable to start training any pet at puppyhood. It was during this period that the foundations of the relationship with the dog were laid. You can teach the dog commands on your own, but at the first experience it is better to start work under the supervision of a dog handler

Dog In Human Life

Dog In Human Life

A dog is a friend of man. That seems to say it all. But how little three words are to express all that the devotion of a dog means to people. A dog plays different roles in human life, from a nanny of young toddlers and a weeping vest to a tireless companion and breadwinner on a hunt

A Dog For Himself - What Would That Mean?

A Dog For Himself - What Would That Mean?

The world of dog breeding is so huge and diverse that, while communicating on the same topic, people may not understand each other correctly. For example, such an expression among animal lovers - "a dog for himself", in the understanding of breeders and ordinary owners, may have a different meaning

Dog Show Schedule

Dog Show Schedule

Attending dog shows in a purely utilitarian sense is necessary to get a “drawdown” grade. However, if you wish, you can enter the ring even at puppyhood. Ordinary owners, not familiar with the intricacies of dog breeding, do not always understand what it is for and how to schedule dog shows

Dog Show: Preparation

Dog Show: Preparation

A dog show is a significant event in the life of a thoroughbred pet, it is after receiving a positive assessment from an expert that your pet will be able to fully participate in procreation. If you do not have contact with the breeder in order to properly prepare for the show, you will have to learn a lot about it

Do I Need To Go To A Dog Show

Do I Need To Go To A Dog Show

Often, owners of purebred dogs are confronted with the strange insistence of the breeder of their pet, who literally begs to bring the dog to the show. On this basis, conflicts even arise, perhaps the desire of the dog handler will be understandable if you know why you need to show the dog at the exhibition at all

How To Take A Purebred Dog For Free

How To Take A Purebred Dog For Free

Having a four-legged friend of a certain breed is the dream of many animal lovers. But not everyone can afford to buy a dog today. The price for a puppy sometimes makes you give up on your dream, but under some conditions you can even get a purebred dog for free

What Animals Have Sex For Pleasure

What Animals Have Sex For Pleasure

Many people think that only they get pleasure from sex. In fact, there are animals that do it not only for the sake of procreation. Do animals enjoy sex? Do animals enjoy intercourse? This is a rather controversial issue, so the opinions of scientists are divided, some believe that they are experiencing, while others simply do not know how to check it

Who Sleeps While Standing

Who Sleeps While Standing

Interest in animals and their habitat will never fade away. This topic is always loved and popular. But the paradox: the more people learn about the habits of animals and birds, the more questions they have. For example, which animal sleeps while standing?

How To Name A Bunny

How To Name A Bunny

Having a fluffy cute hare at home is an understandable desire. And if a person does not want to limit himself to plush pets, then it is worth thinking about how to have a live animal. Unfortunately, in captivity, a real hare from the forest is unlikely to take root, but a decorative rabbit is quite

Why Does A Dog Wag Its Tail When It Sees Its Owner, But A Cat Does Not

Why Does A Dog Wag Its Tail When It Sees Its Owner, But A Cat Does Not

Over the centuries of living together, animals have learned to quite tolerably understand human language, and not only the words themselves, but to a much greater extent body language. The people themselves are not so successful in interspecific communication, but they nevertheless learned some of the nuances

Can An Animal Express Emotions Through Facial Expressions?

Can An Animal Express Emotions Through Facial Expressions?

The facial expressions of the human face help to more accurately express their emotions, that is, a direct relationship to what is happening, not associated with its intellectual comprehension. In animals, mimic muscles are less developed, but not completely absent

How To Learn To Understand Cats

How To Learn To Understand Cats

Cats have their own specific language. If the owner can understand his pet, this will significantly improve their relationship and eliminate possible disagreements. There are people who communicate with their pets on a telepathic level. It is necessary - a cat

What The Dog Wants To Say

What The Dog Wants To Say

People think dogs can't talk. But this is not the case. They convey their emotions and desires by barking. But what exactly this barking means, not even all dog lovers know. Either the animal wants to play, or it is, or it simply greets you and rejoices at the arrival of the owner

How To Teach A Cat To Speak

How To Teach A Cat To Speak

One of the differences between humans and animals is our ability to speak. A number of scientists suggest that the only reason why our pets cannot master our language is a different structure of their mouth apparatus. However, with proper training, you can train your cat to speak the simplest human words

How To Win Over Your Cat

How To Win Over Your Cat

Unlike dogs, cats are not very friendly with strangers. However, many cat owners notice that their pets unexpectedly show interest in some guests. How do animals determine the intentions of a person and is it possible to win over the wayward cats?

Coping With The Loss Of A Pet

Coping With The Loss Of A Pet

To our great regret, the age of our smaller brothers is not long. Most cats do not live to be 15-20 years old. Dogs live around 10-12, and hamsters, guinea pigs and rats live even less. In this sense, parrots stand out. They live longer than other pets

How Cats Show Their Feelings

How Cats Show Their Feelings

Emotions and feelings of dogs are most often available for human perception, but what emotions a cat experiences towards its owner, not everyone understands. Often, some antics of these mysterious furries seem offensive to the owner, but in fact, the animal can demonstrate its love in this way

How To Get Your Cat To Take A Pill

How To Get Your Cat To Take A Pill

When a beloved cat is sick, the owner worries with him and tries to do everything possible to make him recover. Your veterinarian may prescribe certain pills for your animal to help heal. It takes a little effort and trickery to get your pet to eat the medicine